Fougeres Way, Ashford

Fougeres Way, Retail Park Ashford, UK

The impressive development consists of two retail terraces split into six units and connected by an outdoor garden centre, additionally there are a 2,000 sqft standalone retail unit and a 2,200 sqft café unit.
  • Client

    Castle City Estates

  • Services


  • Sectors

    Retail + Mixed Use

  • Year Completed


  • Region

    Ashford, UK

The design reflects the surrounding woodlands and natural landscape, using a modern minimal aesthetic and clever detailing in a more natural form for the prominent front aspect.


TLandscaping and environmental concerns were another key element of the overall design. The site wide SUDS strategy incorporates water attenuation ponds and swales, along with new trees and shrub planting that will create a transition from the site to the surrounding natural woodlands, boosting biodiversity.