As architects at SGP, we are delighted to introduce our open-source and free-to-use Better Buildings website.

We are passionate about sustainability and want to do all we can to encourage the architects of tomorrow to be passionate too.
Designed for children at Key Stage 2, our interactive programme introduces the basics of sustainability in building materials.
The website includes animated characters, fascinating facts, interactive carbon indicators, questions and activities as it explores a range of traditional and alternative building materials. It culminates in the opportunity for the children to design their own low carbon building.
Competition Entries

The children have been creative in their sustainable building designs.

We have given CPDs on our programme and how other architects can get involved.

We love seeing the designs the children have made and show them off in our office.

And the children love touching the samples box we have curated!

Planet Mark Highly Commended Award for Community Engagement 2024.
The Better Buildings team have been working together on the project for over 3 years. Lead by an idea of educating students at a Key Stage 2 level to understand embodied carbon and inspire the architects of tomorrow.
Interested in more?
Get in touch and find out how you can get involved.