Stephen George + Partners’ Norwich Airport project reaches practical completion

Stephen George + Partners (SGP) is pleased to announce the completion of a 54,000 sq ft hangar and associated 15,500 sq ft workshop at Norwich International Airport for Rigby Group plc, owners of Regional City Airports.
Ian Yallop, Chairman of SGP says: “Despite these being incredibly difficult times for aviation, project completions such as this showcase the strength and diversity of regional airports. These flexible spaces will meet current and future engineering needs as well as supporting Norwich Airport’s masterplan to maintain its position as a leader in aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul.”
The buildings will accommodate the expansion of KLM UK engineering group, with the double bay hangar designed to service two Airbus A320 aircraft. The workshop is 7.5m to its haunch and the hangar 13.1m haunch, constructed using a Twin-Therm wall system and Euroclad cladding in standard goosewing grey, profiled to break up any interference with the ground radar system.
Ian states: “This is an important milestone for SGP. Although we have worked on several masterplans and designs for other regional and national airports, this is the first building to reach completion. In these tough times, we remain committed to using our technical knowledge and expertise in this sector to support the sustained recovery of the aviation industry in the months and years to come.”
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