Marianthi Ntemirtzoglou Staff Photo

Marianthi Ntemirtzoglou

Position Architect
Location Leeds
LinkedIn marianthintemirtzoglou/profile

Experienced in Refurbishment, Interiors and the Transport sectors, Marianthi’s role focuses on designing, detailing and managing the progression of projects. Holding a specialisation in Bioclimatic design, she aims to incorporate sustainable principles from the outset of schemes.

She is involved in the Design Group and has been a member of the Better Buildings project for the past three years, engaging school children in SGP-designed workshops, to showcase the importance of sustainability and net zero emissions in buildings.

Her family is her pride and joy, and Marianthi enjoys family walks, singing choir and freehand drawing Sundays. Her current goals are to carry on learning, inquiring, and challenging herself. And to read more books.